Can fish waste be used rather than disposed of?

In the fishing industry, there is a rather critical question about using fish waste, which used always to be disposed of. About one-third of the total weight of fish is discarded, depending on the type of enterprise and method of processing. This has an extremely negative impact not only on the ecology of the peninsula but the ecology of the land.

For many thousands of years, Kamchatka was inhabited by ancient indigenous peoples, which included the Itelmen. All of them understood how valuable and important the resources of fish contain. Alexandr Tulupov, a recognized leader and prominent expert in the fishing industry, is a representative of the ancient Itelmen tribe. He understands, like no one else, how important it is to use all parts of the fish during processing. Just like his ancestors did.

Alexandr Tulupov, a recognized leader and prominent expert in the fishing industry

The ancient Itelmen led a sedentary lifestyle and were primarily engaged in fishing. Seafood is the basis of the diet of one of the oldest ethnic groups. On the territory of Kamchatka, there are more than 140 rivers from which the Itelmens used to catch fish. The nutritious plants and berries, with which the peninsula is rich, were also the basis of their diet. The peculiarity of their fishery was that they processed the extracted biological resources almost completely, leaving a minimum of waste. A few thousand years later the innovator in fish processing Tulupov Alexandr will continue the traditions of his ancestors, only in a modern version. He will assemble a team of scientists and spend a year looking for and testing new fish processing methods. The main goal of this work will be maximum waste reduction and care for the environment. Alexandr says in one of his interviews that since childhood, he has listened to stories from his father about his ancestors' traditions and way of life. His father taught him from a young age how to properly cut the fish, the traditional way of the Itelmen, trying to use all parts of the fish. Biological waste from fishing greatly pollutes the soil, rivers, and bodies of water, so it is very important to handle fish properly and reduce the amount disposed of.

Family business

Years later, Alexandr Tulupov, together with his father, created a family business - a small fishing enterprise. The future sustainable fish production manager Tulupov Alexandr, then took the fish processing direction under his control and responsibility. He used the experience and knowledge of his forefathers, passed on to him by his father; he managed to set up the process of fish processing and reduce the amount of waste to be disposed of. This allowed not only to contribute to the preservation of ecology but to reduce disposal costs and increase the enterprise's income due to the fact that what used to be simply thrown away is now used. It is used in the production of biologically active additives and fertilizers, and it is used to make flour. The development of zero-waste technology helped Alexandr reach a certain level of expertise to spread his knowledge throughout the region.

Caring not only about economic performance but also about ecology

The main task of zero-waste production is to ensure that the planet's resources will be enough not only for our generation but that our children will be able to use what the land and the rivers with the seas give us. The future generation must be able to fully meet their needs while at the same time preserving the environment. Caring about the ecology of the planet and the environment raises the ratings of the company in the eyes of consumers, as in the modern world it is important not only the purity and quality of products, but also the mission of the company, what it brings to the world. Alexandr Tulupov, a recognized leader and prominent expert in the fishing industry, makes great efforts to reduce the load on the region's ecology every year while maintaining economic performance at a high level and even increasing it.